Sunday, January 3, 2010

1/3/10. Montara Mountain - 7.2

Still sore from Friday's hike and Saturday's 90 minute yoga session, we decided it was too early to give up on our goal of at least one hike per weekend (weather permitting of course). We searched the Bay Area "must-do" guides and decided on the Montara Mountain trail in Pacifica.

This one was similar to the Andrew Molera hike in that it was coastal, which means the vegetation is basically the same. This hike provided some Eucalyptus trees in the beginning, which not only smell like heaven, but also keep you from overheating.

We basically started going up straight off the parking lot...and kept going up for about 3.5 miles. There were only a few switchbacks this time in the very beginning of our hike, but part of the trail had been washed away due to recent rains, which presented the real challenge (hello rolled ankles).

The views were absolutely breathtaking. At first we were only able to see the street we drove in on ("cool!"). Around another bend the Twin Towers revealed themselves, and then the top of the Golden Gate Bridge ("awesome!"). It wasn't until we saw Half Moon Bay ("holy crap!"), and Mt. Diablo ("are you sure?") that we realized we were going to have a spectacular view at the top.

From the top we were able to see all over the Bay Area and beyond (Santa Cruz, Point Reyes, etc.). We had a quick snack at the top and made our way back down Montara Mountain.

The route in the book called for us to take the Montara Mountain Trail the entire time, but about 2/3 of the way down we saw the sign for the Brooks Trail and decided we couldn't miss it. Instead of coastal views we had inland views, and the trees were much more dense on this side of the mountain (still beautiful, just different).

This one took us about 2 hours 45 minutes with a few stops for photos, views, water, snacks, etc.

This brings our 2010 total to: 16 miles.

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