Saturday, January 23, 2010

1/10/10. Sweeney Ridge- 5.6

We decided we had to cram one more hike into this weekend because bad weather was on it's way in (the goal is one hike/weekend, weather permitting. We want to do as many as we can while the weather is nice to compensate for the weeks we'll surely miss due to rain...have to keep that average up!).

This hike was pretty laid back. The majority of the trail (ascent and descent) was on a paved road, which definitely makes it easier. The tail end of the hike took us out on a dirt path, which not only had beautiful views of Pacifica, but also Montara Mountain (I couldn't believe we hiked to the top!). Once we reached the end of the trail we both touched the sign (just to say we made it to the VERY end) and started making our way back. The dirt road back had beautiful views of San Francisco, San Francisco Bay, and even San Bruno Mountain (a hike we did in December 2009, so it's not included on the blog). It was really amazing to see the different places we had hiked!

The trip back down was pretty uneventful. Scott kept saying he was a "runaway train" because the descent was so steep you really have to work to keep a moderate pace (it would be easier to run, but of course, much worse for your knees).

By the end of this one I was pretty exhausted. We pounded it out pretty quickly (in less than two hours), and we had done almost 10 miles the day before, but I honestly can't think of anything I would have rather done with my weekend.

This brings our 2010 total to: 31.1 miles.

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