Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

9/6/10. Redwood Regional Park - 4.1

This brings our 2010 total to: 86.4 miles.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Saturday, January 23, 2010

1/16/10. My New Hiking Shoes - 0.0

For my birthday my mom and dad got me new hiking shoes! To date they have clocked 0.0 miles (we've had absolutely terrible weather), but I can't wait to take them out for a spin!

1/10/10. Sweeney Ridge- 5.6

We decided we had to cram one more hike into this weekend because bad weather was on it's way in (the goal is one hike/weekend, weather permitting. We want to do as many as we can while the weather is nice to compensate for the weeks we'll surely miss due to rain...have to keep that average up!).

This hike was pretty laid back. The majority of the trail (ascent and descent) was on a paved road, which definitely makes it easier. The tail end of the hike took us out on a dirt path, which not only had beautiful views of Pacifica, but also Montara Mountain (I couldn't believe we hiked to the top!). Once we reached the end of the trail we both touched the sign (just to say we made it to the VERY end) and started making our way back. The dirt road back had beautiful views of San Francisco, San Francisco Bay, and even San Bruno Mountain (a hike we did in December 2009, so it's not included on the blog). It was really amazing to see the different places we had hiked!

The trip back down was pretty uneventful. Scott kept saying he was a "runaway train" because the descent was so steep you really have to work to keep a moderate pace (it would be easier to run, but of course, much worse for your knees).

By the end of this one I was pretty exhausted. We pounded it out pretty quickly (in less than two hours), and we had done almost 10 miles the day before, but I honestly can't think of anything I would have rather done with my weekend.

This brings our 2010 total to: 31.1 miles.

Monday, January 11, 2010

1/9/10. Tomales Point Trail - 9.5

Scott and I have been to Point Reyes and Tomales Bay (for oysters) countless times; however,we have yet to hike in this region. I got to pick the hike so I chose the Tomales Point Trail.

It was pretty cold the day we went, so we wore way too many layers (better safe than sorry, but I got hot after about 5 minutes, so I got to lug my down jacket around for 10 miles. Awesome.). The trail started out relatively easy. The views at the beginning were breathtaking. We were able to see Point Reyes and mile after mile of the Point Reyes Sea Shore. Something that always amazes me about California is the sheer cliffs and the rocky coastline. I always make a point never to get too close because one misstep and you're a goner (and I misstep often).

It didn't take very long to realize that the hike I picked, because it looked easy, was in fact the opposite. There was a pretty consistent incline with some steep moments mixed in. This trail wasn't a loop, so while it's exciting to hit the patches of trail that descend (my lungs really appreciate the break), it's also troublesome as these patches will be the uphill portion on the way back.

We read at the beginning of the trail that we may see some Elk...and boy, did we see Elk. The first group we saw was really close to the trail, so of course I convinced myself the male was going to charge us and got out of there as fast as I could (I was responsible for Scott's Flip video camera, so we obviously didn't get any footage. Oops.). The second group of Elk was a little farther away so we slowed down a bit to observe them, but I was still pretty terrified!

The latter half of the hike still had ocean views (rough life), but the landscape was a bit more barren, and I was starting to get tired (which means I stop appreciating how beautiful nature is and remembering how comfortable the heated seats of my car are). Once we saw the sign that said "Tomales Point" we knew we were close to our destination, so spirits lifted a bit.

We walked all the way to the end of the point. I was actually a bit nervous to be so close to the water (the book says, and I quote, "...a tiny path drops straight down to the tip of the point, but I don't recommend this option"), but the views were worth it. We saw thousands of starfish clinging to the rocks, hundreds of birds, beautiful tide pools, and a small coastal town we think was Dillon Beach.

The way back was a bit more difficult than the way there. The incline seemed steeper, which may just be because we were exhausted. We saw the same Elk on the way back, but I was too tired to be scared so we just walked past like they weren't even there. It wasn't until we approached the first group of Elk that we saw what I consider to be the highlight of my hiking career: two Elk mating! I was shocked (we do have photos, but I'll leave them off the blog)! I've only seen animals mating on Discovery Channel, and even then I wonder how they catch a moment like that on film. Even though I was tired, all I could think (and giggle...really mature) about the rest of the way to the parking area was the "Elk 'doing it'".

We had a fabulous time, but we did realize that 9.5 miles is pretty exhausting. We didn't eat enough to fuel a hike that length, so moving forward we'll be sure to stuff our faces before we tackle something as challenging (if that's not a good reason to pig out, I don't know what is)!

This brings our 2010 total to: 25.5 miles.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

1/3/10. Montara Mountain - 7.2

Still sore from Friday's hike and Saturday's 90 minute yoga session, we decided it was too early to give up on our goal of at least one hike per weekend (weather permitting of course). We searched the Bay Area "must-do" guides and decided on the Montara Mountain trail in Pacifica.

This one was similar to the Andrew Molera hike in that it was coastal, which means the vegetation is basically the same. This hike provided some Eucalyptus trees in the beginning, which not only smell like heaven, but also keep you from overheating.

We basically started going up straight off the parking lot...and kept going up for about 3.5 miles. There were only a few switchbacks this time in the very beginning of our hike, but part of the trail had been washed away due to recent rains, which presented the real challenge (hello rolled ankles).

The views were absolutely breathtaking. At first we were only able to see the street we drove in on ("cool!"). Around another bend the Twin Towers revealed themselves, and then the top of the Golden Gate Bridge ("awesome!"). It wasn't until we saw Half Moon Bay ("holy crap!"), and Mt. Diablo ("are you sure?") that we realized we were going to have a spectacular view at the top.

From the top we were able to see all over the Bay Area and beyond (Santa Cruz, Point Reyes, etc.). We had a quick snack at the top and made our way back down Montara Mountain.

The route in the book called for us to take the Montara Mountain Trail the entire time, but about 2/3 of the way down we saw the sign for the Brooks Trail and decided we couldn't miss it. Instead of coastal views we had inland views, and the trees were much more dense on this side of the mountain (still beautiful, just different).

This one took us about 2 hours 45 minutes with a few stops for photos, views, water, snacks, etc.

This brings our 2010 total to: 16 miles.

Ringing in the New Year! Andrew Molera Loop: Bluffs, Panorama, and Ridge Trails - 8.8

To Ring in 2010 we chose to do the Andrew Molera loop in Big Sur.
I'd like to note that we've avoided Andrew Molera State Park in the past because Scott's coastal access guide said it was a bird sanctuary, and I hate birds...mistake of the decade! This hike was absolutely breathtaking, and lets you savor the beautiful views of Big Sur that are usually only a blur while driving along Highway 1.

We started in the parking lot and after about 10 steps realized we had to cross a rushing river (by foot) because the seasonal bridge had been removed for the Steelhead Trout migration. At this point I was ready to call it a day, and assumed Scott was too, but as I turned to head back toward the parking area, I saw him taking off his shoes and socks...I guess we're crossing the river!

Once we crossed the FREEZING river our hike was underway. After about a mile we came to a beach that was absolutely covered in birds (they weren't kidding when they said this was a bird watchers paradise)! Deciding to pass on "bird beach", we walked around a bend and onto the Bluff Trail. The name honestly says it all. You hike along the beautiful, massive bluffs you see all along the Big Sur coast.

It was pretty flat for a while, and we were making great time, when all of a sudden the Bluff Trail turned into the Panorama Trail, and we started going up...1,100 feet up, to be exact. We encountered a few switchbacks (which is when the trail basically zig-zags back and forth because it's too steep to tackle head-on. Needless to say, I HATE switchbacks), some mud, a few fake summits (damn it), and finally made it to the top.

There were a handful of people at the top enjoying sandwiches, beers, etc., and taking in the views. We joined them for a brief snack before making our descent down the Ridge Trail.

Since this is a loop, the trail down was completely different from the trails up. It was a pretty gradual descent, which means it would have been a very gradual ascent. That said, I like the way we did it, a quick uphill battle rather than a slow, painful, climb. Similar to the views on the Bluff Trail, it was amazing to observe the Santa Lucia Mountains the entire way down. You don't realize how impressive they are from the Highway!

It didn't take long at all to get down (about an hour, compared to a little over two on the way up), and once we were done we couldn't believe we had actually hiked in the new year (we didn't even have to battle a hang-over)!

NOTE: Scott got his first case of Poison Oak on this one while he had his shoes off to cross the river (I dodged the bullet by wearing my shoes through the river). Maybe we should have gone back to the parking lot, after all :).

This brings our 2010 total to: 8.8 miles.

The Miles On Our Hiking Shoes

Scott and I decided to kick of 2010 doing something we've come to love over the past few years: hiking. We picked Big Sur (one of our favorite places) to ring in the new year, and while on our New Year's Day hike, decided to share our journey.

Please follow along as we track we the miles we put on our hiking shoes.